(imagem retirada da internet)
Senti o frio como nunca antes tinha sentido
Naquela noite em que a chuva não parou
Debaixo dos lençóis muito quieta eu tremia
Naquela noite em que o silêncio se instalou
Havia uma peso no ar
Havia um burburinho lá ao longe
Havia tanto por o que chorar!
Dentro de mim imaginei uma fogueira
E memórias tuas aqueceram-me o coração
Se visses o meu sorriso perguntavas pela piada
Se visses o brilho do olhar esquecias a escuridão
Então houve alegria
Houve uma canção que tocava
Houve paz e magia
Nasceu uma vida abençoada!
If You Were A Sailboat - Katie Melua
If you're a cowboy I would trail you
If you're a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore
If you're a river I would swim you
If you're a house I would live in you all my days
If you're a preacher I'd begin to change my ways
Sometimes I believe in fate
But the chances we create
Always seem to ring more true
You took a chance on loving me
I took a chance on loving you
If I was in jail I know you'd spring me
If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long
If was in pain I know you'd sing me soothing songs
Sometimes I believe in fate
But the chances we create
Always seem to ring more true
You took a chance on loving me
I took a chance on loving you
If I was hungry you would feed me
If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light
If I was a book I know you'd read me every night
If you're a cowboy I would trail you
If you're a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore
meu blog na revista brasileira de música
o estranho caso de benjamin button
o que aqui revelo é para ficar entre nós